DISCLAIMER (this is a personal blog if your not TTC this may be TMI for you)

This has been a tough week for me... I am still waiting for my first AF (Aunt Flo) since our miscarriage in September. I have been really trying to Give it to God and just know he is taking care of things. Easier said than done, as I can't seem to get it off my mind. Every symptom must be a pregnancy symptom (even though it most likely is not) But because my mind is racing all the time it feels like it. Ugg even after church today when our pastor spoke so much truth on faith and committing our lives "WHOLEHEARTEDLY" I had a major breakdown in the car on the way home from lunch. I want sooooo badly to not think about babies. I pray about it all the time , I just want to wake up without the urge to look at baby stuff online, take a test or analyze my symptoms. It seems no mater how hard I try I cant stop thinking about them. I know I am struggling with this too, but wanted to give you some of the words from my pastor today, because even though I struggle with this concept I know it is true. If you are struggling with this or anything else in your life, I hope this lifts you up.
We need to and want to be Wholeheartedly committed to the Lord. One of the Scriptures used today was Joshua 14:8 "For my part, I wholeheartedly followed the Lord my God." '
What does Wholeheartedly really mean?
Wholehearted means to close the gap or to get within range.
3 Characteristics of Wholehearted Devotion:
1: commitment
2: confidence
3: courage
My favorite thing from today's sermon was this : Faith-believing God is who He said He is, and He'll do everything He promised He'd do.
I DO trust that the Lord has a plan for Rob and I and our future children, and I DO know that it is much better then the plan I have concocted in my head. This week I will try to focus more on the Word and my faith and less on what I want and how I want it.
I hope this has encouraged anyone that feels like I do.