1/14/11 UPDATE:
Since I was diagnosed with MTHFR I have seen two new Dr's. The first one was an high risk OB named Dr. Rivas. He is wonderful!! Dr. Rivas made me feel calm the minute we walked into his office. Dr. Rivas told me to stay on my meds (Neevo DHA, Metanx,) and added a baby aspirin. He also wanted me to see a Genetic Specialist and said she would call to make an appointment. I left feeling so much better and was told to go home and make a baby!!
Well that did not last long. I got a phone call a few days later saying that the Genetic Specialist could not see me until April 29th! I panicked!! That scares the poo out of me. I was supposed to see her to find out if I needed to be on the Lovenox shots for the clotting disorder. I did not want to get pregnant and lose another one, so I called around to see who I could find to see me.
I finally got a hold of Dr. Kenneth Gelman a Reproductive Edrocronoligist. The receptionist was amazing. She made me feel like I was her daughter. She was very concerned that the Dr. had said I could start trying and wanted me to come in right away to be treated.
I saw Dr. Kenneth Gelman on Wednesday January 12th. This Dr. appointment was bitter sweet. He does not feel like the MTHFR is the only thing causing my miscarriages and feels the previous Dr's. Have not tested me enough. (19 vials of blood and HSG test was not enough Wow) So he asked me to come in the next day for an ultrasound and a chromosomal panel. So I did. Thursday I had 11 vials of blood drawn and an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that I have a beautiful uterus!! But I have polysistic ovaries. I do not however have Polysistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The Dr. will put me on Metformin when he puts me on the lovenox. I do have TONS AND TONS of egg follicles!! The Dr. Seemed very impressed with that.
I have two more tests to have done one on Jan 18th and one on Feb 1st. I am having a Saline Sonogram and a endrimetrial biopsy done. Both will be painful and I'm not looking forward to them. Rob (my husband) had 2 tubes of blood drawn and will have to give a sperm sample in a few weeks.
So for now we are just being patient. The Dr. Does not want us trying and will give us the go ahead when all my test come back. Please join us in praying for a rainbow baby!! We hope someday soon we will be able to hold our precious little one that we have dreamed about for so long. Thank you for all your love and support!